West Atomic Alliance is a consortium that is being built to takeover Ringhals 1 nuclear power plant in south-west Sweden before its early closure at the end of 2020. We are in active discussions with legitimate state-owned and private investors to join the consortium.
A ‘win-win-win’ plan
An ideal consortium’s structre is a blend of Swedish industrial firms, private investors, and a nuclear power plant operator that has operation in Sweden. The acquisition of Ringhals 1 would be a ‘win-win-win’ for all stakeholders including current owners Vattenfall and Uniper, Svenska kraftnät (the TSO), Swedish taxpayers, Swedish industries, consumers, climate, nuclear industry, and West Atomic Alliance.
We believe that it makes sense to keep Ringhals 1 in operation for both commercial and environmental reasons. Deficit of electricity in the industrial South, lack of thousands of kilometers of extra powerlines needed to transport excess power from the North to the South, and lack of grid readiness for handling more renewables show the importance of Ringhals 1.
Ringhals 1 facts

With minor technical upgrades the plant can safely stay in operation even beyond 2036

6.5 TWh
With a capacity of 881 MWe, the plant generates an annual net output of more than 6.5 TWh

The plant generates zero emission electricity at much lower cost than wind with no subsidies

2.8M cars
The same amount of electricity produced in Poland emits extra CO2 equal to all the petrol cars in Sweden

$33 million
To stablize the grid, the TSO paid $33M to Ringhals 1 for being operated during the period Jul 1 to Sep 15

$4 billion
Replacing the plant by 2.2GW equivalent wind capcity requires $4B of investment in hundreds of turbines
Closure of Ringhals 1 will reduce export of excess electricity from Sweden, notably to Poland and Lithuania. Poland should replace the shortage of low-emission electricity supply from Sweden (13 g CO2/kWh ) with relatively high-emission supplies from Germany (440 g CO2/kWh) and the Czech Republic (512 g CO2/kWh), or highly polluting domestic production (773 g CO2/kWh).
If Ringhals 1 electricity were to be produced in Poland, it would generate massive amount of extra CO2 emissions equal to all the 2.8 million petrol cars in Sweden.